Monday, September 30, 2019

Greek Mythology and Immediate Satisfaction Essay

In Euripides Medea is in a state of struggle with her husband Jason. At one point she and Jason settled down and have established a family, they have also attained a degree of fame and respectability. But then Jason ends up abandoning Medea along with their two children because he fell in love with Glauce, this turn of events has crushed Medea emotionally. She is at a point where she curses her own existence. Meanwhile Jason ended up remarrying Glauce who is the daughter of Creon the king of Corinth. Creon banishes Medea and her children from the city. I believe Creon knows that there might be a possibility of Medea plotting revenge. That is why he has taken this action. Medea continues her quest for justice. Medea begs Creon for another extra day to stay so that she can plot a revenge for Creon and Glauce. Medea has spoken to Jason trying to sympathize bringing him into her confidence and sent with her children a poisonous coronet and a dress made out of gold to kill Glauce. They accepted the gift and Glauce has also worn it, .Glauce died from the robe and so did Creon after he had embraced her and absorbed the poison himself. She also ended up killing her own children’s. She did this to make Jason suffer; everything Jason had valued has been lost through the deaths that conclude the tragedy. I believe what Medea did was wrong. Taking her anger out on her children and also Jason’s new wife is not the right thing to do. I don’t think a human being has the right to take one’s life that should be up to god. I understand what Medea went through is very hard. Any person that would love someone dearly and go through what Medea went through would obviously be very hurt. It may cause anyone to plot revenge. The id from freud’s conception has played a part for Medea. She demands immediate satisfaction and when that happened she experienced pleasure. The ego was when she sent the dress and the coronet to Glauce. The ego has no concept of right or wrong; something is good simply if it achieves its end of satisfying without causing harm to itself or to the id. she accomplished her plan by sending the coronet and the dress. The super ego is when she leaves Coronth.

Democracy vs. Monarchy Essay

Many countries have different types of government. The most common type of government is democracy. This is because it is run in the fairest manner than any type of government. In other countries, it is not about fairness, it is strictly about who has the power. Depending on the country you live in the government would decide how much a person works. For example, if you are the owner of a business and every time you make a profit, the government keeps it. No matter how much you work you would never receive what your work for. This would make a person stop working, if he never keeps his money. If the country wants to keep its government fair, then they would try to preserve their government. Democracy is a system of government for the people to choose their leaders and to hold their leaders responsible for their policies they enforce in office. The people decide who will represent them in congress and or parliament who will head the government at the national and local levels. They do this by choosing between competing parties in regular, free and fair election. In a democracy, the people are superior and they are the highest form of political authority. Power flows from the people to the leaders of government, who hold power only temporarily. Laws and policies require majority support in parliament, but the rights of minorities are protected in various ways. The people are free to disapprove of their elected leaders and representatives, and to observe how they conduct the business of government. Elected representatives at the national and local levels should listen to the people and respond to their needs and suggestions. A monarchy is a governmental system that has one person as the permanent head of state until he or she dies or gives up his or her position. Typically, the position of monarch is hereditary, as is the case with famous monarchies like that of the North Korea. The term is often used to refer to a system of government in which the monarch, such as a king or queen has absolute authority, but many monarchies are limited. In which the monarch has restricted power and might even be mostly a figurehead rather than a ruler. One aspect of a monarchy that is considered to be an advantage is that it can reduce the struggle for ultimate power within the government. When the head of state must be elected, members of different political parties will compete for the position. This often creates division and conflict within the government. If the head of state serves for life and his or her descendant is already known, it might increase the unity within the government. In conclusion, Democracy is the fairest type of government. This let the people be able speak their mind and what they believe in. However, in a monarchy the ruler is the king or queen and is considered to have absolute power. This creates many problems throughout a country. The ruler receives its authority by inheritance. This means it is passed down to the next member in that family. A person would preserve their work to maintain fairness throughout its country. If the government starts to be ruled by one person, then power would stop work to make things change.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Personal Development Paper Essay

I have a lot of scope for improvement. I have a lot of potential both professionally and in the personal space – I need to tap it. My asthetic sense, candor and imagination help me stand out in a crowd and I need to fine tune these skills. Given my high sensitivity to stress, I tend to get very irritable and frustrated during high pressure scenarios. I am exteremly disorganized and this has really harmed me all my life. I really need to work on my organization skills.Goals To be more organized, and disciplined. I need to have a stronger work eithc, and develop strong analytical and quant skills. I would also like to invest alot of time in reading, and wasting less time doing meaningless stuff. Reading and getting exposed to the opportunities everywhere gets me excited, and once I am excited – I am driven.Perception of others In all honesty, others view me as exteremly modest but that is because I am good at hiding my weaknesses. They respect my candor and people skills, and appreciate my input once in a while.Standards organization expects you to meet Disciplined, focused, very strong finance background, strong work ethic, working in high pressure scenarios, and having a strong sense of responsibility. DEVELOPMENTAL PLANNING WORKSHEET Professor Randall S. Peterson DEVELOPMENT ISSUE (from GAPS analysis): The issue is that I am easily intimidated, and not focused. I tend to get distracted with my surroundings and tend to loose interest in my own ambition and agenda. I tend to get bored easily, and leave things in the middle – very impatient.EXPECTED OUTCOMES: What will be different? What could someone else observe that will change? For starters I will be more diligent, focused and orderly. This can be seen through my group participation, my in class assignments, my club involvement and my career hunt activities. Juggling so many aspects at once will require all of the above. My quant and financial skills can really develop if I invest time, and effort in reading and understanding the material. This can also be a visible change.What will I gain by achieving the goal? What is in it for you? Happiness. Job. Personal satisfaction. Personal growth and development.WHO ELSE NEEDS TO BE COMMITED TO THIS: What will you need to do as soon as you get back to the office to get started? Who do I need to get committed to helping me? And what is in it for them? Me, myself and I.LEARNING STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT (use at least three of the six to make your development goal SMART) 1) Seek New Challenges/Projects Challenge PE CASE CHALLANGE Specific Action/Time/Deadline working with people in a field I have very little experience in. Taken a challenge. Have to work hard. This will improve my quant and tech skills.2) Take Courses and Workshops Course/Workshop Specific Action/Time/Deadline 3) Develop Ongoing Feedback Name(s)/Strategy for Identifying People Study Group Specific Action/Time/Deadline Montly feedback on progress – personally and professionally. Team contract also helps keep us in check. 4) Identify Role Models and Coaches Name(s)/Strategy for Identifying People Raluca – Class mate Specific Action/Time/Deadline She helps me stay focused and organized everyday. We plan the everyday in advance, and luckily always manage to achieve the target.5) Development Reading Books/Papers Specific Action/Time/Deadline 6) Other Learning Tactics Strategy Specific Action/Time/Deadline OBSTACLES What will I give up? I will give up making excuses. I will talk less listen more. I will give up wasting time, and reading more. I will give up being disorganized. What are the major obstacles and how will I manage them? Obstacle is just me and my mind – I need to be focused, and do proper time management. Not get distracted with the noise around me. Work at my pace, and be patient.How to work with me I am pretty flexible, and easy going. Only thing is I lack commitment, and have poor work ethics. I tend to get distracted easily and hence get frustrated when the pressure builds up. Please be a little strcit with me when it comes to academics. I need to get more responsibility so I am actually forced to put in effort, instead of depending on others. This will help me build my quant and analytical skills, and that will increase my confidence 10 folds. Since I tend to get distracted easliy, please always bring me back on track. I am very dependable, approachable, and I love interacting with people and learning through people. Hence, if I don’t understand something, and if someone explains it to me politely I will always listen. I tend to disagree alot, and sometimes unnecessairly. I am also very open to people criticizing me. I love negative feedback so I have room to develop. Please motivate me, and cultivate in me discipline.

The Impact of Video Games on Children Essay

Video games have been available to consumers for the last 30 years. They are a unique form of entertainment, because they encourage players to become a part of the game’s script. Today’s sophisticated video games require players to pay constant attention to the game, rather than passively watching a movie. This has both positive and negative impacts on players. Several studies have been published that explore these impacts on today’s children. Sections: What impact does playing video games have on children or adolescents? Tips on managing your child’s media consumption The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) References What impact does playing video games have on children or adolescents? The most widely used â€Å"positive† impact video games are said to have on children is that they may improve a player’s manual dexterity and computer literacy. Ever-improving technology also provides players with better graphics that give a more â€Å"realistic† virtual playing experience. This quality makes the video game industry a powerful force in many adolescent lives. However, numerous studies show that video games, especially ones with violent content, make teens more aggressive. Part of the increase in aggressive behavior is linked to the amount of time children are allowed to play video games. In one study by Walsh (2000), a majority of teens admitted that their parents do not impose a time limit on the number of hours they are allowed to play video games. The study also showed that most parents are unaware of the content or the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rating (see below) of the video games their children play. In another study conducted by Gentile, Lynch, Linder & Walsh (2004, p. 6) â€Å"adolescent girls played video games for an average of 5 hours a week, whereas boys averaged 13 hours a week†. The authors also stated that teens who play violent video games for extended periods of time: Tend to be more aggressive Are more prone to confrontation with their teachers May engage in fights with their peers See a decline in school achievements. (Gentile et al, 2004). The interactive quality of video games differs from passively viewing television or movies because it allows players to become active participants in the game’s script. Players benefit from engaging in acts of violence and are then able to move to the game’s next level. Gentile & Anderson (2003) state that playing video games may increase aggressive behavior because violent acts are continually repeated throughout the video game. This method of repetition has long been considered an effective teaching method in reinforcing learning patterns. Video games also encourage players to identify with and role play their favorite characters. This is referred to as a â€Å"first-person† video game (Anderson & Dill, 2000, p. 788) because players are able to make decisions affecting the actions of the character they are imitating. After a limited amount of time playing a violent video game, a player can â€Å"automatically prime aggressive thoughts† (Bushman & Anderson, 2002, p. 1680). The researchers concluded that players who had prior experience playing violent video games responded with an increased level of aggression when they encountered confrontation (Bushman & Anderson, 2002). In a Joint Statement (2000) before the Congressional Public Health Summit, a number of American medical associations — the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychological Association, American Academy of Family Physicians and American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry — caution parents about violence in the media and its negative effect on children. Their report states that exposure to violent media can elevate aggressive feelings and thoughts, especially in children. These effects on aggressive behavior can be long-term. Although fewer studies have been conducted on interactive video games, evidence suggests that playing violent video games may have a more dramatic influence on the behavior of children and adolescents (Joint Statement, 2000). Back to top Tips on managing your child’s media consumption Because of the popularity of video games, completely eliminating them from your child’s life might be difficult. But you can decrease the negative impact that they have on your child. Here are a few tips: Know the rating of the video games your child plays (see below). Do not install video game equipment in your child’s bedroom. Set limits on how often and how long your child is allowed to play video games. Monitor all of your child’s media consumption — video games, television, movies and Internet. Supervise your child’s Internet use — there are now many â€Å"video games† available for playing online. Take the time to discuss with your children the games they are playing or other media they are watching. Ask your children how they feel about what they observe in these video games, television programs or movies. This is an opportunity to share your feelings and grow closer with your child. Share with other parents information about certain games or ideas for helping each other in parenting. Back to top The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) The ESRB is a self-regulatory body established in 1994 by the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA). The major video game manufacturers created this board after concerned groups applied pressure over the content of video games. Similar to the movie industry’s rating system, all major game companies now submit their new products for rating to specially trained raters at the ESRB. The ESRB rates over 1,000 games per year. The ESRB looks at a number of factors when rating games. In particular, it considers the amount of violence, sex, controversial language and substance abuse found in a game. Based on its developed guidelines, the ESRB then gives an age recommendation and content descriptor to each game submitted. The following are the rating symbols currently in use, according to the ESRB Web site. Early Childhood (EC): Content should be suitable for children 3 years and older and contain no objectionable material. Everyone (E): Content suitable for persons ages 6 and older. The game may contain minimal violence and some â€Å"comic mischief. † Teen (T): Content suitable for persons ages 13 and older. Content is more violent than (E) rating and contains mild or strong language, and/or suggestive themes. Mature (M): Content suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Content definitely has more mature sexual themes, intense violence and stronger language. Adults Only (AO): Content suitable only for adults and may contain graphic sex and/or violence. Adult Only products are not intended for persons under the age of 18. Rating Pending (RP): Game has been submitted to the ESRB and is awaiting a final rating. The ESRB Web site has more details about this rating system, as well as the â€Å"content descriptors† that are used in conjunction with the ratings on game packaging. The site is also useful for parents who want to search for the rating of a particular game. Back to top References Bushman, B. & Anderson, C. (2002). Violent Video Games and Hostile Expectations: A Test of the General Aggression Model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 1679-1686. Gentile, D. A. & Anderson, C. A. (2003). Violent video games: The newest media violence hazard. In D. A. Gentile (Ed. ), Media violence and children. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishing. Gentile, D. A. , Lynch, P. , Linder, J. & Walsh, D. (2004). The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviors, and school performance. Journal of Adolescence, 27, 5-22. Joint Statement on the Impact of Entertainment Violence on Children: Congressional Public Health Summit. (July 26, 2000. ) Available: http://www. aap. org/advocacy/ releases/jstmtevc. htm. Walsh, D. (2000). Interactive violence and children: Testimony submitted to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate. (March 21, 2000. ) Back to top Source: http://www. pamf. org/preteen/parents/videogames. html By Andrea Norcia, college student writer Reviewed by the Web Content Committee of PAMF Additional articles: Violent Video Games and Aggressive Behaviors, By Andrea Norcia, college student writer Join the conversation: Website Feedback Site Map  © 2012 Palo Alto Medical Foundation. All rights reserved. Sutter Health is a registered trademark of Sutter Health ®, Reg. U. S. Patent. & Trademark office. Serving communities around Palo Alto, Mountain View, Fremont, San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, Dublin, San Mateo & Santa Cruz.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Five External Elements In Organisational Environments Commerce Essay

Customers plays indispensable portion in every concern. Pull offing the client experience has become a serious organizational purpose. It ‘s a agency to protect and develop trade name trueness and therefore that person ‘s economic and advocacy value to the administration. Body store is a good established administration around the universe, which produces pure natural cosmetics for everyone. Because of high monetary values merely few clients can buy their merchandises, remainder prefer other trade names, which are available in low monetary values than Body store. That will impact the company by lower net incomes. Rivals: Rivals are administrations that produce goods and services that are similar to a peculiar administration ‘s goods and services. Presents, cosmetics are indispensable portion of the life, many rivals are entered into the market by presenting their merchandises with low monetary values to vie with others. Then, everyone could prefer those merchandises, which are available in market with low monetary value and same natural merchandises. That can be show difference in gross revenues of trade name of L'oreal. Economic forces: Economic factors have a enormous impact on concern houses. The general province of the economic system, involvement rate, phase of the economic rhythm, balance of payments, are cardinal variables in corporate investing, employment, and pricing determinations. The impact of growing or diminution in gross national merchandise and increases or decreases in involvement rates, rising prices are considered as premier illustrations of important impact on concern operations. To asses the local state of affairs, an organisation might seek information refering the economic base and hereafter of the part and the effects of this mentality on pay rates, disposable income, unemployment, and the transit and commercial base. The province of universe economic system is most critical for organisations runing in such countries. For illustration, during recession clip, adult female do n't travel to purchase expensive merchandises, so, prefer to purchase low monetary values merchandises. Technological Forces: Technological forces influence organisations in several ways. A technological invention can hold a sudden and dramatic consequence on the environment of a house. First, technological developments can significantly change the demand for an organisation ‘s or industry ‘s merchandises or services. Changing engineering can offer major chances for bettering end accomplishments or endanger the being of the house. Technological prediction can assist protect and better the profitableness of houses in turning industries. Social forces: Social forces include traditions, values, social tendencies, consumer psychological science, and a society ‘s outlooks of concern. Determining the exact impact of societal forces on an organisation is hard at best. However, measuring the altering values, attitudes, and demographic features of an organisation ‘s clients is an indispensable component in set uping organisational aims.( B ) Briefly explain in item one unpredictable dynamic external factor which adversely impacted in L'Oreal gross revenues of organic structure store trade name merchandises in 2008One of the major unpredictable dynamic external factor is recession. Recession is a lessening in the economic system of the state. Peoples stop purchasing cosmetics. That decreases the gross revenues and hard currency spending of Body store. Womans are regular clients for cosmetics, adult female do n't travel to purchase expensive merchandises, so, prefer to purchase low monetary value merchandises. That adversely decreased the gross revenues of organic structure store in 2008.( C ) Briefly explain the difference between a dynamic V stable component in the organizational environment impacting on L'Oreal. Give an illustration of each type of component.Dynamic elements:Suppliers Customers: Customers are really of import for any concern. L'Oreal cusmotics are rather expensive than other trade names, merely affluent people prefer L'Oreal trade names. Because of those cusmotics are made by nature elements, so they ne'er go back to pass money, whatever it is low monetary value or high monetary value. Rivals: Example of L'oreal rivals are Revlon, Shiseido Economic forces Technological forces Demographic forces Political forcesStable elements:Distributors Barriers to entry Social cultural factors2. ( a ) Briefly explain what company civilization is, it ‘s major dimensions and how a company can promote a positive civilization.Every workplace has a civilization Basically, organisational civilization is the personality of the organisation. Culture is comprised of the premises, values, norms and touchable marks of organisation members and their behavior. the corporate civilization is the operating work environment that is set and shaped by the executive: The manner people dress The manner people conduct their work The manner people interact with public. Company cultures develop and they change over clip. As employee leave the company and replacings are hired the company civilization will alter. If it is a strong civilization, it may non alter much. However, since each new employee brings their ain values and patterns to the group the civilization will alter, at least a small. As the company matures from a start up to a more constituted company, the company civilization will alter. As the environment in which the company operates alterations, the company civilization will besides alter. The company civilization will alter and it is of import to be cognizant of the alterations. Major dimensions of company civilization is Invention and hazard pickings Attention to detail Results orientation Peoples orientation Team orientation Aggressiveness Stability Those features can do company civilization strong. By offering publicities, fillips and increasing rewards can actuate employers into positive civilization. That will assist company turn strongly and maintain civilization alive.( B ) Brief explain what a learning company civilization is, and how company can make a learning civilization.An organisation ‘s â€Å" learning civilization † as its ability and willingness to encompass single and organisational acquisition as a strategic portion of its concern scheme. Learning company civilization describes company policies, environment, codification of frock, company profile. If we want to be successful at a company, and bask where we work, we need to accommodate to the company ‘s civilization. Companies look for the people for occupation who know and esteem the company ‘s civilization wage attending to expected norms of behavior physique and maintain positive working relationships with supervisors, colleagues and clients value constructive unfavorable judgment as a agency to better and enhance personal public presentation show involvement in the company keep a positive attitude company can make learning administration by following features: Personal command Mental theoretical accounts Team acquisition Construct a shared vision Systems believing Personal command: company allow directors to authorise employees and let them make and research something different to larn company civilization in order to develop company. Mental theoretical accounts: this theoretical account can make employee to make task better without find harder. Team acquisition: This method is more of import than single acquisition. All the determinations are largely made by squad. Team acquisition can better employee believing power by larning new thoughts. Systems thought: This is a conceptual model that allows people to analyze concerns as delimited objects. Learning organisations use this method of believing when measuring their company and have information systems that measure the public presentation of the organisation as a whole and of its assorted constituents. Construct a shared vision: This is really of import in actuating the staff to larn, that provides concentration energy for larning. Individual vision of employees are most of import in administration. The shared vision is frequently to win against a rival.

External Environmental Scanning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

External Environmental Scanning - Essay Example Thus the wider objectives of army face six major macro environmental factors which need to be analyzed for threats and opportunities for effective outcome. They are: social; technological; economic; ecological; political; and industry trend. The primarily objective of the army is to inculcate sense of security amongst the citizens, wherever they are operating. Thus the knowledge of the socio cultural environment of the region becomes the most important issue that can be turned into an opportunity to gain confidence of the people and instill confidence. The advancing technology has been a boon as well as a bane for current generation. While it has greatly facilitated communication and has considerably increased the military capabilities of the army, it has also become a powerful tool for the terrorists to threaten the world at large. Thus the potential of technology needs to be exploited judiciously to gain leverage against the enemy. It is a very important factor because the market is driven by the demand and supply that is mainly dependent on the buying capacity of the consumers. The recession has placed huge financial burden on the nation’s economy and the army needs to be prepared to reduce its expenditure by promoting peace talks rather than military interventions that escalate the expenses. The fast depletion of natural resources and worsening environment brought about by the advancing technology has become a great concern for the environmentalist and people at large. The deteriorating environmental conditions have resulted in rapid climate change and natural disasters like global warming, tsunami, hurricanes like Katrina etc. The army must reduce its arms and promote environmental paradigms and help make the world a better place for the future generations. They are the socio-political environment within which the army has to operate and broadly comprise

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Application for the Use of Computer, the Processor as a Brain of Research Paper

The Application for the Use of Computer, the Processor as a Brain of Computer - Research Paper Example   The traditional disc drive has been experiencing a transition to the solid-state drive (SSD) system, as they have become more dense and lower cost. The application and use that the computer will be used for will determine the physical layout of the motherboard as well as the technical requirements. Desktop computers are usually configured with a motherboard that accepts plug-in cards for ease of expansion and reconfiguration. This makes it possible to install more video memory, higher quality sound cards, or take advantage of newer and more current standards, as they are made available. For example, wireless network cards can be installed that allows the user to communicate with a wireless network or hub. Motherboards that are designed for laptops usually have less capability for expansion due to the limitation of space considerations. A motherboard in a laptop will have all the associated circuitry required integrated into the design of the board. Whether the board is to be used in a desktop or a laptop, certain features and circuitry will reside on the motherboard. Each board is designed to accommodate a particular microprocessor and the board will have a socket and the necessary driver circuitry for it. The board will have the appropriate crystals and clock circuits that are needed to drive the processor at the required speed. Random access memory and the electronics it takes to move data between the processor and memory will also reside on the motherboard. The mass storage device in a computer has traditionally been a disc drive, but recent innovations have seen a move towards SSDs.  

Explore the different types of media domestication using Roger Essay

Explore the different types of media domestication using Roger Silverstone's media domestication theory - Essay Example It allows for analysis in its economic, social, and sociological concerns. The approach to media domestication is a consideration of the practical as well as the symbolic dimensions for the adoption while using the necessary technologies. It shows how the elements of meanings of different things coupled with their respective materiality, have equal importance in the understanding of how technologies form part of daily life. It remains a consideration of the social theory through highlighting the various negotiations, control and power challenges, rule breaking, and making accompanying any introduction for technologies for different social settings (Silverstone, 2005). Such a domestication approach endures roots within the social studies of media use even though this is well informed through gender studies of household technology, everyday life sociology, innovation and consumption studies, which are widely considered the study components of the mass adoption in mobile phones, internet, and computers. As part of the technological approach towards an understanding of how media technologies come to be, domestication theory highlights the importance of innovation users with the works done through individuals and communities through making technology do practical work outside the standard intentions within the community. This work strand links to the responsibility end and lead users (Bilandzic, Patriarche & Traudt, 2012). In innovation processes, the domestication studies create a general institution through the use qualitative methods while the ethnography and long interviews explore the importance emerging technologies meanings and changing routine s that are usually not accessible to quantitative techniques. The domestication approach applies different concepts in distinguishing different prospects for the process. For instance, the appropriations process includes bringing technologies into households and local social contexts. However, the lead domestication

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Impact of Migration on Hotel Management in Bucharest Research Paper

The Impact of Migration on Hotel Management in Bucharest - Research Paper Example Since many Romanians are leaving for work abroad, there is a general lack of unqualified labor in Romania and this migration process has been rather continuous leading to economic and social impact on the labor market of Romania. The focus here is on the hotel industry and the perspectives for hotel management that brings out several issues about the hospitality and tourism sector in Romania and in Europe. Here the specific focus is on the tourism industry because tourism and hotel industry is an important part of the developing economy of Romania. The hotel industry is Romania is dependent on several factors including the levels of service, the workforce available, the tourists and visitors to Romania and Romanian and world economy, condition of the tourism industry in general. In one relevant study, Nield et al (2000) discussed the importance of levels of service in the hotel industry and the differences in levels of satisfaction. In this research proposal the methodology as also the background and further analysis of the research data are given along with the research questions, the literature review provides the basis for research and the questionnaire prepared aims to bring out the impact of migration and the state of the economy on the hotel and tourism industry of Romania as asked to 100 respondents working within the tourism/hotel industry and based in Bucharest. Background The hotel industry in Romania is as dependent on tourists as it is dependent on the workforce and the amount of unskilled labor. In fact the hotel industry is largely dependent on unskilled or low skilled labor comprising of cleaners, hotel supervising staff, clerks, security and doormen, concierge staff, taxi drivers, car drivers, bus

Phonemic Awareness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Phonemic Awareness - Essay Example Since early times, children understanding in reading have gone through diverse changes. These changes are the basic factors that guarantee either the malfunction or success of children in learning how to read. Long ago, people suggested that children learned how to read by understanding letters. This old methodology was used in teaching learning skills to children. There are challenges that are accompanied by the use of letters in teaching reading skills. A German researcher suggested the use of words in teaching reading skills instead of using letters. This is because words provide meaning and make sense while letters provide parts of the idea. It is because of this reason that both parents and teachers are debating whether to use the letter approach in teaching reading skills or use of word approach in teaching reading skills. Some researchers conducted experiments that proved the Whole Word Approach to be advantageous to the Letter Approach. It was proven that identifying a five-l etter word is easier than identifying five random letters. He also suggested that it takes a long time to identify random words than it takes to identify a sentence. (Moustafa, 2008). It is unfortunate that even after it was proven that Whole Word Approach is better than Phonemic Approach; people still use Letter Word Approach. Teachers who taught children using letter approach recommended children to read text that was manipulated with letters while those who utilized Whole Word Approach recommended children to read text that is controlled by words. At the start of the twenty first century educationist recommended the combination of both Whole Word Approach and Letter Approach. It was after these encounter that educationist in America emphasized on the use of Whole Word Approach and discouraging the use of Phonic Approach. Children were given storybooks to read, and this was supposed to improve their reading skills. The books contained pictures that were used for understanding of t he story, the words did not contain the story line but the pictures did. Researchers argued that phonic contributed to illiteracy because it does not give instruction. It is because of this reason that teachers are advised to teach children on the different sounds of letters. This enables learners to read and understand effortlessly (Moustafa, 2008). Even though there is great difference in letter approach and whole word process approach, the two have the same principle. The two processes assume that teaching to read is part of the whole process, in that as children study to read letters and words they are able to learn the

Students Help-Seeking during Physical Education Essay

Students Help-Seeking during Physical Education - Essay Example However, in the face of such difficulties, they will also tend to seek help from fellow students or teachers, and at some point look for other means in order to conquer these difficulties. It is said that there is a positive link between the utilization of self-regulated strategies and a student’s academic performance. This claim was also supported by Alleven & Koedinger (2000) when they asserted that the ability to seek help capably has been proven to contribute to one’s learning and was correctly linked with better learning coupled with working. However, it should be noted that the help-seeking behavior showed by the students is more often flawed than not. It is because of the fact that they tend to overuse it as much as underuse it. The thing is, the students frequently tend to avoid help when it is most necessary, while ironically they ask for more than is actually required when they decide to ask for help (Alleven & Koedinger, 2000).   Compared to the studies of help-seeking in adolescents and younger students, such as the work of Nye, there have been relatively fewer studies of such which focused on college students. In line with that, there are questions about whether these studies regarding younger learners extend to higher education settings. Therefore, for this part of the paper, the author aims to look at the dynamics of help-seeking in college students rather than to focus on younger learners such as the approach made by Nye.   In a study conducted by Karabenick &  Knapp (1991), they aimed to investigate the help-seeking attitudes, goals and the preferred helping resources of college students in order to recognize the dynamics of help-seeking among college students in large classes.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Pandemic Flu Planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pandemic Flu Planning - Assignment Example In ensuring effective control, I will recommend the following steps whereby most of them are community-based strategies. The first step will encompass devising effective preparedness, response and containment policies intended to avoid further spreading of the pandemic in the region (Tae-Chang, Yasuhiro, Shingo, & Jung, 2009). Secondly, I will Isolate and administer antiviral medications to the people confirmed medically to have contracted the influenza disease. Isolation in this case may be in both hospitals and homes though the latter will be extremely complicated due to the pandemic’s nature of spreading (CDCP, 2007). Isolation will also encompass quarantine especially in homes or other social places whereby it hard to dismiss their members like congregational centers that normally house nuns, priests or other religious members. The other effective measure will encompass closure of schools together with advising their respective administration to take the ailing students to the hospital (Cannaday & Cox, 2008). In addition, there will be a will be a need to sensitize the entire public to avoid human contact as well as embrace good health, for instance, washing of hands with alcohol-based rub gel together with intake of fluids (, n.d). Some of the involved legal authorities in this mitigation process include, Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan (COVEOP), National Response Framework (NRF), National Incident Management System (NIMS), Virginia Department of Education and governor’s office. The latte’s core role is to declare the state of emergency based on the pandemic’s rate of spreading as well as compelling reluctant institutions to adhere to the mitigation policies. The success of this plan will depend on public’s level of compliance in adopting the stipulated measures. Entities involved in this category include employers and

Price Analysis for Navigation System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Price Analysis for Navigation System - Assignment Example Thus, the forecast of the price mainly depends on the price comparison of the competition taking into consideration that this company offers a similar service of the mine. Navigation system fundamental information entails grouping presentation industry chain configuration, which mainly encompasses international analysis, local market breakdown, macroeconomic situation and corresponding economic condition analysis (Murphy, 2009). Moreover, navigation policy and plan in regard to the underlying navigation system product depends on the specification, manufacturing process and underlying cost structure. The fundamental manufacturer of the navigation system volume manufacture cost price, income manufacture worth gross information and corresponding navigation system volume manufacture marketplace share mainly dictates the underlying market share supply demand import export consumption. Navigation system volume manufacture value cost mainly revolves around the value gross margin information. The concepts allowability, allocability and reasonableness in regard to the cost of the navigation system of the Navo tech mainly addresses directly the prevailing legitimacy of the cost charged against the corresponding cost charged on a particular research cost award (Murphy, 2009). Thus, the process of determination of the allowability, allocability and corresponding reasonableness of the prevailing expense is majorly based on particular guidelines of the federal cost principles. Moreover, it is will be dictated by the office of the management and budget of the Navo tech. Reasonable costs are the prevailing price that is normally consistent with the cost a reasonable individual would pay in the similar conditions for the navigation system to the same company producing similar product. Allowable costs are the ones that are utilized in the connection of the navigation system. It is the cost incurred under the budgeted agreement and mainly benefits the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Caffeine psychostimulants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Caffeine psychostimulants - Essay Example One of the advantages of caffeine lies in its ability to cause the release of dopamine in the body leading to hyperactivity. The hyperactivity referred to in this case is not the activity found in hyperactivity disorder, but rather positive activity. The dopamine released activates the part of the brain associated with alertness and attention, as well as problem solving and pleasure (Russel, 2008). Because of this effect of caffeine, the body becomes hypersensitive to the environment around it and appreciation of the body needs. In this case, the capabilities of the brain are improved and increases as it acts as a stimulant all thanks to the activation of dopamine. The boost increases circulation around the body including the brain, where the brain increases even a larger amount of caffeine stimulation than the heart. It is through this dose of caffeine that it improves the mood of the caffeine consumer and allows one to think with enhanced precision and clarity (Gargulinski, 2011). In addition, caffeine contains numerous antioxidants that are crucial for the wellbeing of the human body in that they block the action of free radicals. The presence of these antioxidants in caffeine reduces the chances of developing cancer in a person, and in cases of cancer, its onset is usually delayed considerably. In the absence of caffeine, one remains susceptible to cancer due to free radicals that increase cell death and accumulation of the dead cells (Thompson and Keene, 2004). Other than this, caffeine is beneficial since it plays a crucial role in increasing the longevity of human life. In this case, increased consumption of caffeine increases the human lifespan, which is also caused by the antioxidants fond in caffeine. In addition, the risk of contracting Parkinson’s disease is reduced, especially when consumed for extended periods. One other advantage of consuming

Western australia demand and supply Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Western australia demand and supply - Essay Example These estimates use the 2006 Census base for the population benchmarks. Details of further rebenchmarking of the Labour Force estimates, including the 2011 Census-based rebenchmarking, are included in the feature article  Rebenchmarking of Labour Force Seriesin this publication. The ABS will commence a trial of on-line electronic data collection of labour force data from households in December 2012. The trial will be conducted on one rotation group of the Labour Force Survey (i.e. one-eighth of the survey sample). As part of this trial, respondents in this rotation group will be offered the option of completing their labour force survey questionnaire on-line instead of a face-to-face or telephone interview. Information about the trial will be included in the December 2012 issue of this publication, due for release on 17 January 2013. The trial will continue for a number of months prior to a decision on rolling out an electronic collection option progressively to the full sample of the Labour Force Survey. The estimates in this publication are based on a sample survey. Published estimates and the movements derived from them are subject to sampling variability. Standard errors give a measure of sampling variability. The interval bounded by two standard errors is the 95% confidence interval, which provides a way of looking at the variability inherent in estimates. There is a 95% chance that the true value of the estimate lies within that interval.   For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070, email or Labour Force on Canberra (02) 6252 6525, email

Monday, September 23, 2019

Final research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Final - Research Paper Example This paper is, therefore, aimed at discussion some ways the digital revolution has changed journalism. Digital revolution has several impacts on the current journalism as it stands. For instance, it has been argued that, digital revolution increases commercial pressure where the digital models that used to pay for the news do not give this payment anymore as they have other ways to obtain such news for free. This would create an impact on the quality and availability journalism that rely on facts in America. The revolution has seen several consumers use search-powered web to obtain news and read only the selected parts, hence, not paying for news as they used to do. The digital media have, therefore, made news look like a commodity found in the market. The increase in the share of total advertising expenditure also exists, though most of the expenditure goes into paid search. The paid search is mainly controlled by the big media companies such as Google that only aggregates the news but do not create the news itself. Due to such big losses that have hit the journalism industry through the digital revolution, the US news publishers have used the opportunity to turn their reach in order to increase their reach, consumer value and loyalty, and generate some revenue from advertising. Through such attempts, they try to compensate the losses in revenue as a result of new commercial and technological pressures. A major challenge in maintaining such online advertisement sets in when trying to preserve the brand. Such efforts have been seen to attract many consumers, who are fragment and transient. Another challenge is for the small media houses since they are not able to compete fairly in the market. News publishers in the journalism industry are working hard to attract clicks, retain their consumer, boost advertising revenues and increase their visibility extent in the search

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words - 1

Strategic management - Essay Example Organizations can achieve success only when their productions, its brand image, reach and in total its profit reaches the upper echelons. The organizations can achieve all these above mentioned objectives, when it has good and importantly quality products or services to offer, then effective distribution strategies, good expansion strategies and finally optimal Leadership. All these aspects, if formulated and implemented effectively can elevate any organization, but if these aspects are not put into operation, the survival and success of the organization will be doubtful. So, this paper will analyze how the organization of Thorntons implemented all these above mentioned aspects or strategies from its origin to the year 2000 and from 2000 to the present day Thorntons, the largest manufacturer and retailer of specialist chocolates in United Kingdom, was founded by Joseph Thornton in 1911. His two sons, Norman Thornton and Stanley Thornton started working in the shop and aided him in retailing, devising recipes, and in the manufacturing process. The combined work of the family members provided their business a good impetus. Good flow of customers increased their profits and also their visibility, so they named their business after their family name. To increase their range of chocolate products, Stanley and Norman Thornton visited Switzerland in 1953. There they intend to find a good chocolate maker, who could make original and tasty chocolates. They visited Basle School for Swiss Chocolatiers and there they found Walter Willen, a capable student who only created some of the original recipes for Thorntons’ Continental chocolates. The Continental chocolate is the product range that was to become the largest-selling specialist assor tment of chocolates in the UK. After functioning for more than half a century at Sheffield, Thorntons moved to a purpose built modern food and chocolate production facility at

Sunday, September 22, 2019

HPV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HPV - Essay Example Furthermore, by making the vaccine mandatory in public schools, it will be possible to immunize a large number of women and girls against HPV infection. School mandates are known to be huge public health successes and compliance rates for vaccines are often high when they are made mandatory in schools (Young, 2009). School mandates especially for vaccinations in the adolescent population have been very successful because otherwise there is poor compliance with routine vaccination among those in this age range (Young, 2009). HPV vaccination in public schools will therefore ensure that a large number of youth are immunized without the stigma associated with the vaccine. HPV vaccine is shown to prevent cervical cancer in women. The Cervarix vaccine protects against two cancer causing strains, namely HPV 16 and HPV 18 that are known to be responsible for 70% of the cases of cervical cancer (Donahou, 2013;, 2008). The Gardasil vaccine protects against HPV types 16, 18, 6 and 11 (Donahou, 2013). The HPV vaccine works best before the individual is infected with the virus. The vaccine is rendered useless when administered to a woman already infected with the HPV vaccine strain because it cannot confer protection to a previously infected individual. Because the virus spreads through sexual intercourse, it is best for the vaccination to be administered before the initiation of sexual activity. Administration of the vaccine in public schools is thus beneficial because statistics suggest a large number of school going students engage in sexual behavior by the end of high school (, 2008). Some contend that introducing the vaccine in public schools will promote sexual behavior among school students (, 2008). Pro-abstinence groups and social conservatives argue that vaccinating youth in schools against HPV vaccine sends out a â€Å"subtle message condoning sexual

Indonesia Essay Example for Free

Indonesia Essay In the past, people in the Indonesia used to eat healthy and freshly prepared food with their families in their home. However, many people, particularly young people, prefer to eat fast food such as hamburgers, fried chicken, and pizza because it is really tasty. There are several causes and effects of consuming fast food, and this change has occurred such as change in lifestyle, influence in advertising, impact on health, loss of the family tradition of eating together, and impact on the economy. First, there are several causes for the popularity of fast food. A first reason is the change in lifestyle. Many people in the Indonesia are working long hours, shifts, or extended school days. They do not have time to find ingredients or prepare good food. A second reason is advertising. The Indonesia is a modern with all forms of media such as the Internet and satellite television, and people like to try new products and different kinds of fast food. However, this change can have some serious effects. One effect is on health. Many people in the Indonesia  are becoming obese. These people will be less productive and have conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Another result of fast food culture is the loss of the family tradition of eating together. Children and adults rarely eat together now, and thus get less opportunity to talk. A further effect is on the economy. Although fast food is not very expensive, it is more expensive than cooking properly for yourselves. Many of the fast-food companies are franchisees of foreign corporations, so profits leave the country. In conclusion, fast food, although it is convenient and delicious, it can have serious health and social effects. People should learn to choose fast food carefully and remember the pleasure of eating good food in good company.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Death in Cross Cultural Perspectives Essay Example for Free

Death in Cross Cultural Perspectives Essay There are different mourning ceremonies, traditions, and behaviors to express grief, but the concept of permanent loss remains unchanged in cross cultural setting. With this paper I will identify cross-cultural perspectives on death and dying, and will analyze multiple beliefs relating to death phenomenon. Furthermore I will identify different cultural mourning ceremonies and will analyze their impact on grieving process and coping mechanisms. Death is a universal phenomenon, but individual responses to death vary widely from culture to culture. In effort to explain the concept of death, many different cultures bring a significant symbolic meaning to the dying process in terms of rituals, ceremonies, and bereavement practices. Grieving and funeral rituals vary greatly across cultures and, in most cases, are associated with religious practices and beliefs. People tend to look at the death phenomena through the scope of their religious beliefs and often relate their personal experiences with death to cultural norms and traditions. Our culture affects the length of grieving process, mourning ceremonies, and even influence the way we cry during funerals. The mystery of death is often associated with fear and anxiety, thus it is easier for people to relate indefinite death concept to something that makes sense and brings comfort. Death in Latino culture According to Lobar, Youngblut and Brooten (2006), Latino death rituals are heavily influenced by religion, especially Catholicism, which underlines an importance of connection between the living and a deceased person, through prayer. Death is not something the majority of Hispanics fear, because many of them perceive death as a journey. The dying process is closely related to religious practices, such as prayers, hearing the confession of the dying, communion, and a blessing. Ongoing support is essential element of dying and grieving process, and in this particular culture it is unacceptable to let people die alone. The loyalty to a dying person and care that ill person receives during the last journey is very prominent in Latino culture. Death concept in Hispanic culture is closely related to family obligations, which is evident by the care that Hispanic family renders to a dying person during last moments. After death occurs, the family still prefers to stay with the body during burial preparation to pray and to watch over the body. Prior funeral a wake is held, which is a very social event where an extended family has a chance to get together, serve food and drinks, and enjoy each others’ company. Candles and flowers are essential decorating attributes of wakes and funerals. A funeral follows a wake, and during funeral family has a chance to say last goodbyes to their loved one. Emotional expression of grief is important attribute of Latino cultures which is often evident during funeral ceremonies where women cry loudly and use their body language openly. It is not unusual to put personal items into the casket with the person who has passed away for their journey in the afterlife, which also serves as an example of a finial gift from a family (Lobar, Youngblut Brooten, 2006). Burial follow a funeral, because majority of Hispanics oppose cremation, which is also related to their religious beliefs and importance of placing a body in the ground. Most Hispanics believe that someday the dead will arise and return to life, which significantly influences their burial preferences. It is crucial for Hispanics to be buried next to other family members to keep them company and to arise together someday (Lobar, Youngblut Brooten, 2006). Spiritual connection with the dead is also one of the important elements of Latino culture, which is demonstrated by frequent gravesite visits and praying to spirits. Death is always associated with separation, which leads to sorrow, and grief; however cultural perceptions and beliefs help to look at death from a different perspective and perceive death as a natural state that can be approached with love, respect, dignity, and tremendous family support. Latino culture supports their dying people during the last journey, and believes in afterlife, which gives them hope and helps to overcome unbearable grief of permanent loss. Death rituals in Africa African culture demonstrates a strong connection with deceased person, and believes that only a correct burial will bring a dead person peace. People n Africa strongly believe in spiritual life, thus their main goal during burial ceremonies is to address a spirit of a deceased person. An African funeral begins with removal of the body from home, which is done through a previously made hole in the wall of the home. Africans remove a dead body through the hole, instead of a door, to confuse a spirit and m ake sure that a spirit of a deceased person will not return back home, as a hole in the wall is immediately closed after removal of the body. In effort to confuse a spirit even more, they place thorns and sticks in a zigzag pattern along the way as body being taken to the place of burial. Blackely et al, 1994). In the religions of Africa, life does not end with death and people tend to believe in power of the dead, thus many families often pray to spirits and ask them not to come back and cause any trouble. Death is perceived as the beginning of connection with visible and invisible worlds. One of the funeral rituals include special preparation of a home, such as smearing windows with ashes and turning pictures and other reflective objects face down to ensure that deceased person is detached from a living, and to promote smooth transition into different world. The beds are usually removed from deceased’s bedroom and mourning women sit on a floor or a mattress. According to African culture, if correct funeral is not observed, a dead person may come back and bother the living. The funeral preparation takes approximately from seven to thirteen days, which gives the community members a chance to visit and give the last respect to a deceased (Mbiti, 1969). The funeral ceremony usually begins before the sunrise, because people believe that bad spirits usually sleep early in the morning. The pastoral care during funeral preparation is very important for comfort and encouragement. According to Blackely et al (1994), African funerals simultaneously mourn for the dead and celebrate life. An animal is usually killed during funerals to avoid bad luck, but it also has a practical purpose, such as providing food for family and neighbors. In many communities women and unmarried adults are not allowed to attend funerals, as well as close family members are not allowed to speak or take any vocal part in the funeral ceremony. The community involvement during African funerals is a great example of psychosocial and emotional support during mourning process, which draws people together and promotes healthy grief. Jewish rituals There are many different beliefs in Judaism, thus funeral rituals and ceremonies vary greatly. According to Jewish laws, practices, and beliefs, a soul returns to heaven immediately after death, thus the body has to be buried as soon as possible, usually within 24 to 48 hours (Lobar, Youngblut Brooten, 2006). Mourners show their grief by wearing a black ribbon and by performing only minimal grooming and bathing. Mirrors or other reflective objects may be covered and family remains with a deceased and talks about a deceased. Prayers, citations of Psalms and learned passages from the Talmud are essential elements of the Jewish funerals (Ribner, 1998). According to Clements et al (2003), a body should be treated with respect due to belief that it is a temple of a soul. There is a special ritual of body preparation, where women prepare a female body and men are responsible for preparing a male body. All jewelry must be removed from the body, and the body is washed twice, and is treated almost if it was still alive. The prepared body is laid on the floor with candles around it, and the body is never left alone. There is no embalming and the body is clothed or wrapped and put into wooden coffin, so the body and the box can return entirely to earth. Traditional Jewish funerals are symbolic representations of spiritual connection with God. The funeral ceremonies are based on purity, simplicity and dignity. According to Jewish tradition, wealthy and poor are equal before God, thus the body must be buried in the same type of garment regardless of financial and social status. According to Jewish religion, death is only a part of a process, and after death a soul continues on. Jewish people believe in afterlife, which gives them hope and helps to deal with grief. The importance of family is recognized throughout Jewish mourning ceremonies, which value family privacy during first seven days of mourning process, where close family gets together and have a meal of condolence that include eggs and bread. According to the belief, eggs symbolize life, which is a great example of attitude towards death and strong belief in afterlife (Madsen, 1999). Cross cultural perspective Death is a universal phenomenon, but funerals ceremonies and rituals vary greatly across cultures and religions. Many cultural groups carry their own beliefs and perceptions, which help them with the grieving process and adaptations strategies. Death carries a feeling of a permanent loss, which is very difficult for people to accept. According to Kastenbaum (2007), bereavement is a universal experience, which carries many painful responses, including depression, distress, fear, and misery. Our inner state feelings are universal, however or external expressions are different. Our culture and religious beliefs are essential elements of adaptation strategies and coping techniques. Believing in afterlife in Christianity, Judaism, and many other religious groups gives people hope, helps to alleviate grief, and promotes healthy adaptation process. Strong extended family support during mourning process helps to share unbearable grief among family members and serves as an excellent source of encouragement. Strong community involvement is extremely beneficial during bereavement, which helps to take care of financial struggles and provides psychosocial support. Cross cultural rituals help people express their grief according to their beliefs. Almost every funeral ceremony is family oriented, which is designed to bring extended family together, to celebrate life, and to set the background for healthy grief. There are many similarities and differences in beliefs and practices on death and dying. But for many cultures and religious groups a funeral is a final act of love, respect, devotion, and family gathering.

Hrm roles in change management issues

Hrm roles in change management issues Identify, Evaluate And Discuss Human Resource Management Roles In Change Management Issues. Executive Summary Change management is the process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of change to achieve the required business outcome. Successful change addresses both the technical and the people side. Change management focus is helping individual employee make their own personal transition. The organizational viewpoint is â€Å"The Change† to how we do business; whereas the individual viewpoint is â€Å"The Change† from how one does his or her job today, to how one will do his or her job after the change is implemented. Today, the world of human resource management is changing more rapidly than ever changing. Human resource roles in many multinational organizations are facing constant challenges as a result, of constant environmental changes. The emphasis of human resource management is adding value as organizational player, the role of the human resource department becoming more multi-dimensional in many multinational organizations. This paper context will identify and evaluate why human resource management today is taking advantage of gradual yet profound changes in the nature of the field in the current human resource management best practices, and overall human resource management policies, mission and vision. Human Resource Management functions or roles are performed in many organizations by different functional heads independently. The most important challenge in recession period is revolutionizing of the human resource systems to identify, maintain, develop and utilize talents across the organization to their fullest capacities. An organization may claim that it has the best of the systems to identify talents across the organization. Human resource has now a chance again to prove their value creation role in the corporate if it understands what it needs to do now. Some of the basic strategies should be followed by the corporate managers i.e. reduce administrative and establishment costs, hold large bonuses and reward payments, create participative forums for dealing with the difficult times ahead, retaining top talents should be emphasized by the human resource managers to the management and human resource managers need to network with fellow managers to find out how best to visualize the problems and try to solve them. There are basically four distinct human resource roles classified (Kossek and Block, 2000, Pg 3.18) in the human resource activities into four distinct roles: Transactions, Translations, Transitions and Transformations. Generally, the transaction and translation roles are more focused on people and have a short-term view, whereas the transition and transformation roles are more oriented towards improvement or transformation of new processes; where organizational processes are realigned to support ‘customer and market demands, and having a future orientation. In short, the transaction roles include human resource activities such as hiring and firing people, protecting employees welfare, ensuring on-time pay as well as handling employee grievances. The human resource role is building an efficient infrastructure by acting as an â€Å"administrative expert† (Kossek Block p.3.19); however, the translation role of human resource is the communication responsibilities associate d with the listening and responding to employees and customer concerns, as well as explaining to and implementing the policies established by top management to the employees. Today. the human resource role also act as an employee champion and advocate by ensuring that their views and rights are being expressed; such as communicating to employees the human resource policy relating to matters like career opportunities, laws and legislations, business operating objectives and customer needs. Moreover, the transition role simply refers to the execution of human resource activities, policies and best practices making all necessary on-going changes to support or improve the companys business operational and strategic objectives. Typically, such role is focused on the implementation of new or revised human resource practices and long term procedural changes in the human resource policies and best practices. Lastly; the transformation role of the human resource roles acts as an agent and realigns the human resource systems to support Introduction In todays arena the most common word we come across are recession and downturn. Therefore, organizations must make plan for recession or downturns as it does to plan for good, economic times. The management people and employees may experience anxiety around issues during an economic crisis or downturn. This assignment context identifies the possible challenges of human resource management roles in the global recession situation. Beginning with the definition of human resource management and its roles in an organization through analyzing how the human resource activities is adding value and contribute to the organizations overall effectiveness. Basically, change is complex and there is no single solution. Having an effective leadership is a key enabler as it provides the vision and the rationale for change in the organization. Launching a change initiative is not likely to succeed if the organization is not change-ready. During a downturn, human resource role acts as an employee champion and advocate by ensuring that their views and rights are being expressed; such as communicating to employees the human resource policy relating to matters like career opportunities, laws and legislations, business operating objectives and customer needs. Moreover, the transition role simply refers to the execution of human resource activities, policies and best practices making all necessary on-going changes to support or improve the companys business operational and strategic objectives. Typically, this role is focused on the implementation of new or revised human resource practices and long term procedural changes in the human resource policies and best practices. Lastly; the transformation role of the human resource roles acts as an agent and realigns the human resource systems to support massive organizational change. Other than, those above roles stated could also be categorized into administrative experts, empl oyee champions, change agent and strategic approach respectively. It also represents a sweeping attempt to overcome the negative counter images of the personnel function and re-invent a new set of proactive roles for HR professionals (Ulrich, 1998 p.124) Elements Of Change Management Fundamentals Organizational change often presents human resource with a significant opportunity to engage in activities that impact business outcomes, as the Corporate Leadership Council teaching module provides an overview of the fundamentals of change management and the role of human resource. Such teaching module supports business organizations with the following change management fundamentals: diagnosing change-driven business problems; identifying the skills necessary to manage change; selecting the right change strategy; and overcoming barriers to change. Corporate Cultural Change Changing a corporate culture is an ongoing process, which takes time and requires constant monitoring. It is about transforming the organization through continuous influence and the shaping of beliefs, assumptions, values, and patterns of behavior of people towards creating a desired work environment. This Corporate Leadership Council research focuses on the challenges and solutions faced by organizations attempting to change the corporate culture. Major factors in this process in include leadership, timing, and behavior management. Once a corporate culture is in place, there are practices within the organization that act to maintain it by giving employees a set of similar experiences. For example, many of the human resource practices reinforce the organizations culture; such as the selection process, performance evaluation criteria, reward practices, training and career development activities, and promotion procedures ensure that those hired fit in with the culture, reward those who support it, and penalize those who challenge it. Three forces play a particularly important part in sustaining a culture, selection practices, the actions of top management, and socialization methods. Alternatives Of Downsizing For organizations to avoid possible downsizing issues, they can take the following steps as alternatives: Part Time Job – Reduce or cut the number of job hours and pay employee on hourly basis to engage employee with the company, and during his free time he can do any other work for earnings. Work at Home Give access to the employees to work at home rather then coming at office. This step will reduce the operational cost of the organization. Shift of Department One business unit of the organization is not doing well, organization can shift the employees to other business unit. Outsource Employees Organization can provide outsourcing services is specialized domain so their employees can work on other company projects. During these uncertain times, corporate will realize the importance of having competent skilled workforce which will ensure that focus stays on trainings but there may be a major reduction in training budgets. In this time any decision taken by the company impacts each individual personally rumors float around. Its top managements duty as human resource to ensure that the communication channels are kept open, transparency is maintained. We also need to ensure that accurate communication happens on time in full, instead of employees hearing things with details from the grapevine first. Adequate support from leaders and managers in terms of people management processes to find ways to keep up the motivation levels of employees. If the corporate plans are to retrench a portion of the workforce, counseling should be provided to those both employees who will be staying back but also the employees who have been asked to leave, be fair with them. Resistance To Change Resistance to change can be defined as an individual or group engaging in acts to block or disrupt an attempt to introduce change. Resistance itself can take many different forms from subtle undermining of change initiatives or withholding of information to active resistance, for instance through strikes. Similarly, there are two broad types of resistance: Resistance to the content of change; for example, a specific change in technology or introduction of a particular reward system in an organization. Resistance to the process of change. It concerns the way a change is introduced rather than the object of change per se; for example, management re-structure jobs without prior consultation of affected employees. The Strategic Roles Of Human Resource In Organizational Transformation Human resource can and should play a key strategic role in developing and implementing organizational transition and transformation strategies. It can provide help and guidance in analysis and diagnosis, highlighting the people issues that will fundamentally affect the success of the strategy. Human resource can advise on resourcing programmes and planning and implementing the vital learning, reward, communications and involvement aspects of the process. It can anticipate people problems and deal with them before they become serious. If the programme does involve restructuring and downsizing, human resource can advise on how this should be done humanely and with the minimum disruption to peoples live. When the corporate is in turbulence zone, human resource can put its categorical best in ensuring that he guides the corporate successfully. Human resource needs to be very powerful in such situations because they not only have to maintain the people motivation level but has to increase it using non-monetary tools. There are certain points that human resource can opt for in such a situation where people are insecure about their job. Human resource can pay attention to develop the people on key skills and enhance competencies. Human resource has to play an active role in refrain the top talents, act as a caring mother while top performers punished with being rewarded for their performances, get people aligned and developed to fight with this critical situation, develop people on cross functional skills to balance the surplus and shortage of workforce, help the corporate to raise the people performance bar, ensure the fair evaluation of people performance, play an active role in control of communication flow, pass the onus of making the corporate lean, review its minor low cost benefits and contribute to enhance the value addition per employee by maximizing employees inputs. What Can Human Resource Do During A Downsizing? Human resource needs to be proactive and come up with early interventions as for any organization to survive during recession; the ability to retain its best people is must. During these days, human resource people sometimes even take the harsh decision of reducing the numbers and land up at downsizing. The word downsizing is even taken as rightsizing and optimizing but we may not know or ignore the fact that neither the bad situation nor the good conditions lasts long. The organization needs to invest in learning and development by providing appropriate learning opportunities and facilities, but the prime responsibility for learning and development rests with individuals, who will be given the guidance and support of their managers and, as necessary members of the human resource department. Develop and share the vision, belief in a desired and emerging future. Provide employees with a supportive learning environment where learning capabilities can be discovered and applied, for example, peer networks, supportive policies and systems, protected time for learning. When the going is tough, human resource and managers to challenge the challenges and the remedy is to downsizing the dignified way. Moreover, this is the time to implement new ideas; change the Human Resource Management processes and change the procedures. All this has to be done in a way that it cuts costs and motivates people. Human Resources Perspective And Sustaining Role The present challenges of human resource management are corporate reorganization, sustaining companys position and growth, changing demographic workforce, knowledgeable and multi skill workforce, changing mindset of workforce, new industrial relation approach and society based corporate responsibility. There are many more possibilities of sustaining human resources increasing role as not only growth catalyst but sustaining business through greater employee engagement. Therefore, human resource professionals needs to tighten their belts and get ready for some challenging yet meaningful activities which will help to change the perception of human resource forever. The economic crisis is forcing to separate some employee and there is no way around. Do it, but avoid creating a panic around, in employees, in investors, in market and in country by crying loud about the recession. Human resources task is also great, if the human resource manager creates conducive environment through his or her professional approach in achieving productivity, with the support of all teams which is the need of the hour. Business has experienced different dynamics that pose many challenges. Human resource and enforcement authorities together strive for achieving the common goals like compliance and adherence. Human resource makes all efforts to create and sustain an employer and employee friendly atmosphere and responding to the current needs and challenges. Human Resources Responsibility In todays economic melt down where job cuts, loss, pay reduction, last come first go, insecurity of employment atmosphere prevail, human resource has special responsibility to create ease environment to the affected by counseling, displaying care and concern, preparing them for multi skill task, engaging and deploying in other required areas of functions like security, crisis management team. Human resource should engage in more positive side, making and helping employees to reform, perform and transform which will ultimately make a solid impact on business. Conclusion Human Resource Management must be able to address the right kind of demands related to Human Resource functions or roles during the recession. Human Resource Management must play a highly proactive role in managing the issues of global recession by helping organization to enhance their abilities to learn and collaborates, manage diversity, ambiguity and complexity. Human Resource Management is responsible to manage the human resource of the corporate to maximize the productivity, efficiency at minimal cost and maximize profit. During this global recession, Human Resource Management is facing the many challenges and changes in organizational level, workplace and human resource department level itself. The challenges faced by Human Resource Managers effectively if proper strategies are implemented. The recession is the temporary economic climate of the business world. It will be changed through more productivity at minimal cost and maximize profit at moderate price of products in busin ess. Reference Dive, Brain; The Healthy Organization : A revolutionary approach to people and management; Kogan Page Armstrong, Michael; Strategic Human Resource Management 3rd Edition : p.98-136 Emerging issues in Human Resource Management: Pramod Vernia publishes and IBH publish (p) Ltd., Khanka, S.S.;: Human Resource Management Khanka Indian Journal of Industrial Relation Vol.35 No.1 July 1999 Human Resource Development News letter July 2006, Vol.22 issue The ICFAI journal of organizational behavior October 2006 Management trends Vol.2.No.2.April2005- Sept. 2005. Role of HR during recession, HRD News Letter Jan09 Vol.24.iss.10 p.22 HR has to Challenge the Challenges, HRDNews Letter Jan09Vol.24.iss.10 p.22

Friday, September 20, 2019

Phases Of System Development Life Cycle Information Technology Essay

Phases Of System Development Life Cycle Information Technology Essay System development life cycle means combination of various activities. In other words we can say that various activities put together are referred as system development life cycle. In the System Analysis and Design terminology, the system development life cycle means software development life cycle. Following are the different phases of software development cycle: System study Feasibility study System analysis System design Coding Testing Implementation Maintenance   The different phases of software development life cycle is shown in Fig.29.1 Different phases of Software development Life Cycle PHASES OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE Let us now describe the different phases and the related activities of system development life cycle in detail. (a) System Study System study is the first stage of system development life cycle. This gives a clear picture of what actually the physical system is? In practice, the system study is done in two phases. In the first phase, the preliminary survey of the system is done which helps in identifying the scope of the system. The second phase of the system study is more detailed and in-depth study in which the identification of users requirement and the limitations and problems of the present system are studied. After completing the system study, a system proposal is prepared by the System Analyst (who studies the system) and placed before the user. The proposed system contains the findings of the present system and recommendations to overcome the limitations and problems of the present system in the light of the users requirements. To describe the system study phase more analytically, we would say that system study phase passes through the following steps: problem identification and project initiation background analysis inference or findings (b) Feasibility Study On the basis of result of the initial study, feasibility study takes place. The feasibility study is basically the test of the proposed system in the light of its workability, meeting users requirements, effective use of resources and .of course, the cost effectiveness. The main goal of feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to achieve the scope. In the process of feasibility study, the cost and benefits are estimated with greater accuracy. (c) System Analysis Assuming that a new system is to be developed, the next phase is system analysis. Analysis involved a detailed study of the current system, leading to specifications of a new system. Analysis is a detailed study of various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside the system. During analysis, data are collected on the available files, decision points and transactions handled by the present system. Interviews, on-site observation and questionnaire are the tools used for system analysis. Using the following steps it becomes easy to draw the exact boundary of the new system under consideration: Keeping in view the problems and new requirements Workout the pros and cons including new areas of the system All procedures, requirements must be analyzed and documented in the form of detailed data flow diagrams (DFDs), data dictionary, logical data structures and miniature specifications. System Analysis also includes sub-dividing of complex process involving the entire system, identification of data store and manual processes. The main points to be discussed in system analysis are: Specification of what the new system is to accomplish based on the user requirements. Functional hierarchy showing the functions to be performed by the new system and their relationship with each other. Function network which are similar to function hierarchy but they highlight those functions which are common to more than one procedure. List of attributes of the entities these are the data items which need to be held about each entity (record) (d) System Design Based on the user requirements and the detailed analysis of a new system, the new system must be designed. This is the phase of system designing. It is a most crucial phase in the development of a system. Normally, the design proceeds in two stages: preliminary or general design Structure or detailed design Preliminary or general design: In the preliminary or general design, the features of the new system are specified. The costs of implementing these features and the benefits to be derived are estimated. If the project is still considered to be feasible, we move to the detailed design stage. Structure or Detailed design: In the detailed design stage, computer oriented work begins in earnest. At this stage, the design of the system becomes more structured. Structure design is a blue print of a computer system solution to a given problem having the same components and inter-relationship among the same components as the original problem. Input, output and processing specifications are drawn up in detail. In the design stage, the programming language and the platform in which the new system will run are also decided. There are several tools and techniques used for designing. These tools and techniques are: Flowchart Data flow diagram (DFDs) Data dictionary Structured English Decision table Decision tree (e) Coding After designing the new system, the whole system is required to be converted into computer understanding language. Coding the new system into computer programming language does this. It is an important stage where the defined procedures are transformed into control specifications by the help of a computer language. This is also called the programming phase in which the programmer converts the program specifications into computer instructions, which we refer as programs. The programs coordinate the data movements and control the entire process in a system. It is generally felt that the programs must be modular in nature. This helps in fast development, maintenance and future change, if required. (f) Testing Before actually implementing the new system into operations, a test run of the system is done removing all the bugs, if any. It is an important phase of a successful system. After codifying the whole programs of the system, a test plan should be developed and run on a given set of test data. The output of the test run should match the expected results. Using the test data following test run are carried out: Unit test System test Unit test: When the programs have been coded and compiled and brought to working conditions, they must be individually tested with the prepared test data. Any undesirable happening must be noted and debugged (error corrections). System Test: After carrying out the unit test for each of the programs of the system and when errors are removed, then system test is done. At this stage the test is done on actual data. The complete system is executed on the actual data. At each stage of the execution, the results or output of the system is analyzed. During the result analysis, it may be found that the outputs are not matching the expected out of the system. In such case, the errors in the particular programs are identified and are fixed and further tested for the expected output. When it is ensured that the system is running error-free, the users are called with their own actual data so that the system could be shown running as per their requirements. (g) Implementation After having the user acceptance of the new system developed, the implementation phase begins. Implementation is the stage of a project during which theory is turned into practice. During this phase, all the programs of the system are loaded onto the users computer. After loading the system, training of the users starts. Main topics of such type of training are: How to execute the package How to enter the data How to process the data (processing details) How to take out the reports After the users are trained about the computerized system, manual working has to shift from manual to computerized working. The following two strategies are followed for running the system: Parallel run: In such run for a certain defined period, both the systems i.e. computerized and manual are executed in parallel. This strategy is helpful because of the following: Manual results can be compared with the results of the computerized system. Failure of the computerized system at the early stage, does not affect the working of the organization, because the manual system continues to work, as it used to do. Pilot run: In this type of run, the new system is installed in parts. Some part of the new system is installed first and executed successfully for considerable time period. When the results are found satisfactory then only other parts are implemented. This strategy builds the confidence and the errors are traced easily. (h) Maintenance Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors in the system during its working life and to tune the system to any variations in its working environment. It has been seen that there are always some errors found in the system that must be noted and corrected. It also means the review of the system from time to time. The review of the system is done for: knowing the full capabilities of the system knowing the required changes or the additional requirements studying the performance If a major change to a system is needed, a new project may have to be set up to carry out the change. The new project will then proceed through all the above life cycle phases. Task: 4.2 Life Cycle Models Waterfall model Prototyping model Evolutionary model The spiral model Formal development Incremental development Rapid application model V-Shaped model Requirements analysis Definition Integration and Software testing Software dDesign Implementation and unit testing Operation and Maintenance Waterfall Model Figure: 7 This takes the fundamentals process activities of specification, development, validation and evolution and represents them as separate process phase such as requirement specification, software design, implementation and testing and so on. Requirement Analysis and Definition The systems services, constraints and goals are established by consultation with the software users. They are then defined in detail and serve as a software specification. how the current software works and what it does Producing a detailed model in subject terms of what the new software will do and how it will work. Producing a high-level description of new software Software Design The software design process partitions the requirements to either hardware or software system. It establishes overall software architecture. Software design involves identifying and describing the fundamental software system abstraction and their relationships. Implementation and Unit Testing During this stage, the software design is realized as a set of programs or program units. Unit testing involves verifying that each unit meets its specification. Integration and Software Testing The individual program units or programs are integrated and tested as complete software to ensure that the software requirements have been met. After testing, the software system is delivered to the customer. Operation and Maintenance Normally this is the longest life cycle phase. The software is installed and put into practical use. Maintenance involves correcting errors which were not discovered in earlier stages of the life cycle; improving the implementation of the software units and enhancing the softwares services as new requirement are discovered.

The Rehearsal On Stage by Edgar Degas Essay -- impressionist movement,

Impressionism can easily be viewed as a captivating and revolutionary art movement, which took place during the Nineteenth century in Europe. Artists of this era began to contend with newer technologies, like the camera, for it possessed the capability to seize a spontaneous moment in time. Impressionists wanted to do the same; they strived to paint the picture of a genuine moment happening in front of them. One famous artist of this time period was Edgar Degas . Degas’ The Rehearsal On Stage, created in1874, reflects the characteristics of the impressionism period style of art as well as Degas’ own personal artistic style. By combining these two influences, Degas was able to produce a painting, which could be used to evoke a feeling of physical, sexual, and moral tension while also depicting modern-day life. Degas’ particular work, The Rehearsal Onstage, was created using pastels over a brush and ink drawing on a thin woven paper canvas. In fact, there is the second painting of Degas’, nearly identical to the one mentioned previously. However, it is instead known as The Rehearsal of the Ballet Onstage. Both variants of the composition are owned by the Metropolitan Museum in New York City . In addition to these two works, Degas seemed to be particularly interested in the subject of ballet across many of his other works as well. He focused on elements such as its elegant scenery, costumes, and movements made by the dancers themselves. He was fascinated by the spontaneity of the performance and yet the amount of restraint that must be exercised by its participants at the same time. More often than not, Degas chose to recreate the ballerinas who were off guard. For example he chose to depicting them as they stood backstage in an ... ...stern perspective. Fourteenth ed. Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2014. "Grover Art Online Degas, Edgar." Oxford Art Online. (accessed April 21, 2014). "Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History." Edgar Degas: The Rehearsal Onstage (29.100.39). (accessed April 23, 2014). "History of Art:The Impressionism - Edgar Degas." History of Art:The Impressionism - Edgar Degas. (accessed April 23, 2014). "Impressionism artists." Impressionism. (accessed April 23, 2014). "Read a Brooke!." : Formal Analysis of Degas. (accessed April 23, 2014).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Selection and Preparation of Mathematics Teachers :: Education Teaching Essays

The Selection and Preparation of Mathematics Teachers Teacher preparation is a vital component of any educational system. Evidence from research shows that there is a 39% difference in the achievement levels of students who have most/least effective teachers. The federal government also recognizes the importance of the classroom teacher. The recent No Child Left Behind legislation emphasizes the role that teachers play in achievement. In order to meet the requirements of NCLB, states and universities will have to change the way that teachers are prepared. Carefully selecting and properly training teachers and then giving them the authority to teach students as they see fit will go a long way to resolving the low achievement of American students. On the flip side, giving low ability and poorly trained individuals the opportunity to teach has produced several decades of low student achievement. Many of these academically unmotivated teachers demonstrate little content knowledge or curiosity and have been among the most flagrant violators of scientific application of educational research. Witness the indiscriminate use of trivial tests (learning styles, right/left brain, multiple intelligences, etc) that pretend to classify students in scant minutes. Worse still is that the learning theory behind these fads may in fact be even more suspect than the test. The current generation of American teachers firmly believes that lecture is a universally poor method of instruction, standardized tests are fatally flawed and the group learning is much superior to individual learning, all without scientific justification. If America is to close the achievement gap with other industrialized nations it must be willing to set aside political correctness and educational faddism to place competent teachers in the classroom. There is constant pressure for education departments to find new pedagogy, criticize the old pedagogy and generally churn the academic waters so that their existence can be justified. Teacher preparation programs need to focus on only those aspects of educational research which have been proven to produce achievement gains and stop experimenting on prospective teachers and their dependent students. The primary reason I am pursuing a doctorial degree in mathematics education is to have the credentials needed to teach mathematics pedagogy courses to prospective teachers at a four year institution. I feel strongly that my experience as a teacher and the intellectual training I am now acquiring will let me make a positive contribution to the cause of producing competent teachers. The area of teacher preparation is being extensively researched and is currently a high profile issue in education.